Superior performance, small footprint
For both video and graphics generation and general purpose computing (GPGPU), the GRA112 3U VPX graphics board brings NVIDIA®’s 'Kepler™' graphics processing power to the rugged military and aerospace market. With 384 processing cores, single- and double-precision floating point units, improved shared memory architecture and cache hierarchy, together with faster atomic operations, the GRA112’s EXK107 GPU is capable of CUDA Compute Capability v3.0.
Delivers significant gains to radar, video, image processing application
There is ever-greater demand for on-platform capabilities – dealing with the vast quantity of data that sensors are generating, and turning that into actionable intelligence. GPGPU offers unparalleled performance per Watt, programmable in high-level language, allowing developers to reduce their time to market and provide significantly enhanced systems capabilities.
Flexibility and options for the perfect fit
The GRA112 is offered in several variants with differing pin-outs and I/O functionality. It is available in all five of Abaco Systems' standard rugged build levels, and in a two-level maintenance (2LM) VITA 48-REDI variant with rear covers. In critical applications where a fast shutdown of computing equipment is needed, an option exists for a fast power-supply discharge. The GRA112D may be deployed in the MAGIC1 rugged display computer to provide a fast-to-market solution for high-performance graphics and GPGPU signal processing applications.

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GRA112 Graphics Board

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