Restricted Production Phase

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Rugged 4/2-channel, 1.5/3 GHz ADC XMC/PMC Module with Virtex-4 FPGA intended for Software Defined Radio (SDR) applications such as communications and radar in benign & hostile environments
December 2012
Rugged 2-channel, 400 MHz DAC XMC/PMC digital transmitter module with Virtex-4 FPGA intended for Software Defined Radio (SDR) applications such as communications & radar in benign & hostile environments
December 2012
128 MB Flash
November 2012
6U VME Power Architecture 755/7410
July 2012
Rugged 4-channel, transformer-coupled 105 MHz ADC PMC Module with DDCs, Xilinx FPGA and PCI 64/66 Interface. Provides a powerful baseband signal processing capability by bundling ADC, DDC, & FPGA resources in one PMC module
July 2012
ICS-8561 Rugged 2-channel, 400 MHz DAC PMC digital transmitter module with Virtex-4 FPGA intended for Software Defined Radio (SDR) applications such as communications & radar in benign & hostile environments
July 2012
Rugged 2-channel IF receiver module with high stability TCXO bringing high performance Software Defined Radio (SDR) capabilities to portable applications such as man-packs. Includes ADC, DDC, & FPGA resources in one PMC module
July 2012
AFIX site; 5x USB 2.0
March 2012
64 MB Flash
February 2012
Digital I/O (or parallel port); SCSI interface
February 2012