RPCC-D1553 Interface

1 or 2 channel MIL-STD-1553 PCMCIA/PCCARD Module

This product entered a Restricted Production Phase (RPP) on December 27, 2021

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We recommend the following alternative solutions:


The RPCC-D1553 provides the highest level of performance and density for MIL-STD-1553A/B in a Type II PCMCIA (PC Card) form factor.

This dual channel card is RoHS-compliant and is a direct drop-in replacement for the PCC-D1553 card which it replaces. The RPCC-D1553 comes with all necessary cables for operation. Cables designed for the PCC-1553 card will not work with the RPCC-D1553 card. The RPCC-D1553 provides 1 or 2 channels integrated with powerful API software providing instant access to all MIL-STD-1553 databus functionality and data.

Standard features: IRIG-B Receiver (AM or DC/TTL), Generator (DC/TTL), realtime bus playback (with ability to edit out RTs), a periodic message insertion, error injection/detection, conditional BC branching, 45-bit timetags and “Oneshot” BC operation.

  • Multi-function and single-function configurations
  • High-level API for Windows® and Linux included (contact the factory for supported operating system versions)
  • Simultaneous Bus Controller, 31 Remote Terminals and Bus Monitor
  • 1 or 2 independent dual-redundant MIL-STD-1553 A/B Notice II channels
  • Architecture
    • IRIG-B Rec (AM or DC/TTL),Gen (DC/TTL) standard
    • Two bi-directional discretes
    • BC&RT error injection/detection
    • BC&RT link list structure
    • 1 MByte RAM per channel



# Discretes:
Notebook Portable
1, 2
Form Factor
IRIG Time Code Option
Operating Mode
Temp Range
Commercial XT


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RPCC-D1553 Interface

1 or 2 channel MIL-STD-1553 PCMCIA/PCCARD Module
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1 or 2 channel MIL-STD-1553 PCMCIA/PCCARD Module

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1 or 2 channel MIL-STD-1553 PCMCIA/PCCARD Module
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