The answer turns out to be "yes, it can be done". You will need to install one of the PCMCIA boards, but not both. You...
1 - Data logging uses the file system of the volume on which the file is saved. Meaning that if the file is recorded on...
An offset of one second (fast), minus 100 milliseconds (slow) was discovered in the IRIG-to-time-of-day conversion...
There is not enough time in your frame for the messages you are asking the board to send. Our board does not send...
We use the WinRT generic driver software for the Windows drivers for our boards. This software does not provide full...
UBE encoding is intended for multi-bit fields. Use the DIS type for single-bit fields. The error occurs because in some...
There are several methods that could be used for making BMD file data available to other users. Fundamentally, the data...
The implementation of HyperThreading, (also known as simultaneous multithreading or SMT), within the Intel processor...
Use the function BusTools_TimeTagMode to select the API_TTM_AUTO mode. Provide the period (in microseconds) of your...
Use the API function BusTools_GetRevision(). This is demonstrated by the example program "Example_rev.c".