Restricted Production Phase

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Transition module with 12 ports for NETernity™ CP921RC-300, CP980RC and CP982RC
September 2019
August 2019
6U single board computer with 3rd Generation Intel Core i7 processor
July 2019
Rugged single board computer featuring an Intel® Core™ i7 processor
July 2019
Lower risk, improve ROI with high TRL, line replaceable unit that captures, processes, and outputs or compresses video.
July 2019
6U CPCI single board computer with 3rd Generation Intel Core i7 processor
July 2019
5-slot 6U OpenVPX Starter Cage with tracked backplane for distributed switching architectures
July 2019
24-channel slave I/O module
July 2019
Transition module with 5 ports for NETernity™ CP921RC-300, CP980RC and CP982RC
June 2019