Eight cores of processing power
Built around the Power Architecture QorIQ P4080 8-core processor, the PPC10A rugged 6U VME single board computer provides a significant increase in high performance computing while operating within the power envelope of its predecessor, the dual core PPC9A. This allows more throughput per slot and enables existing systems to be deployed in a smaller space, saving size and weight. The PPC10A supports both symmetric- and asymmetric multiprocessing.
Ready and Able
While the PPC10A’s high performance computing capabilities makes it ideal for the most demanding applications, its five levels of ruggedization enable it to operate in any environment from office/benign to harsh. It also offers significant flexibility with a diverse I/O set that includes XMC/PMC expansion sites and an AFIX (Additional Flexible Interface Extension) site that accommodates almost any customer application. AFIX optionally features a range of capabilities including SCSI, VGA/graphics, digital I/O, 1553 and Flash drive, as well as being open to customer-specific variants.


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