Established, proven VME roadmaps
The XVB603 provides straightforward, cost-effective and low risk upgrades for users of previous XVB products, bringing enhanced processor performance, enhanced storage and improved protection against obsolescence. They will also be attractive for new program starts looking to benefit from Abaco’s established and proven VME roadmaps.
Avoid obsolescence issues
The XVB603 offers the same reliability and stability that typifies VME-based products. Long term availability is assured as a result of utilizing CPUs from Intel’s long term-supported IoT (Internet of Things) roadmap, and Abaco’s new Vivo FPGA-based VME interface which abstracts these products from potential obsolescence issues.
Benign or rugged environments
The XVB603 is specifically targeted at air-cooled, front I/O applications in relatively benign environments typically found in industrial or sheltered defense settings. Extended longevity is further enhanced by Abaco’s industry-leading Product Lifecycle Management program which plays a key role in Abaco’s strategy of minimizing customers’ long term cost of ownership.

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