Restricted Production Phase

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February 2019
3U CompactPCI with Virtex-6 FPGA
February 2019
VME-9081 IIOC (Intelligent I/O Controller)
February 2019
Single board computer featuring Intel® Core™ i7 processor
January 2019
Video input for Octegra3
January 2019
Transitions from a Champ 50 connector on the front panel to two 18" cables with CJ70 Twinax, 3 lug, 1553 cable jack ends
January 2019
Compact, rugged enclosure provides interfacing for Abaco Systems’s smaller video trackers operating in airborne environments
December 2018
Performance, flexibility, and scalability
December 2018
PMC for high bandwidth communication
December 2018
IP with 6 channels of digital to analog conversion
December 2018