Designed for demanding digital signal processing application
The DSP220 is designed for a broad range of applications such as land-mobile, airborne fixed- and rotary wing, and naval surface- and underwater platforms that require high performance COTS multiprocessors, and provides the ideal platform for Abaco Systems’ AXIS (Advanced Multiprocessor Integrated Software) environment. DSP220-based solutions can be scaled up to 80 8641 nodes per chassis for the most demanding environments.
High Performance VXS Multiprocessor
The DSP220 derives its high performance from a number of key features. Each PowerPC e600 core is clocked at 1 GHz, and each 8641 node supports two banks of DDR2 SDRAM with 256 MBytes per bank, 2 Gigabytes total per card, as standard. Up to 8 GBytes SDRAM per board is optionally available. PowerPC AltiVec™ support for advanced vector and floating point operations is provided by each processor core. The multi fabric data plane interfaces include Tundra Serial RapidIO to all 8641 nodes, XMC site and the system backplane along with two Gigabit Ethernet ports to all nodes and off board for optimum system throughput. System management and additional data movement options are supported over the VME64 2eSST interface.

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