The TS-Series platform is designed in conjunction with the expansion module. A single TS-Series base board in a single PCI slot can accomodate up to 4 modules, for a total of 5 Statix devices. Each module contains a single Altera Stratix FPGA and 4 banks of memory, which include both synchronous ZBT SRAM and SDRAM devices. For each of the 4 banks the FPGA application will specify which of the two types of memory. This board has an Altera Stratix EP1S25 FPGA, 4 x 512K SRAM, 3 x 64MB SDRAM.
- Provides up to 5 Stratix FPGAs on processor host card
- SRAM and SDRAM on board
- Highest performance Stratix FPGA Expansion Modules