The TS-6U cPCI A80 is an advanced, CompactPCI-based FPGA processor solution targeted at military & commercial high performance computing applications. The two large FPGAs and high bandwidth connection make it ideal for Software Defined Radio (SDR), radar, sonar, image processing and video processing as well as other high performance signal processing applications. TS-6U cPCI A80 is available with either Altera Stratix C7 or C5 speed grade FPGAs.
- Two PMC sites with 1 Gigabyte per second high speed data path to each FPGA
- High performance dual FPGA-based computing platform for your most demanding signal and image processing applications
- Ideal for Software Defined Radio (SDR), radar, sonar and other high performance signal processing applications
Form Factor
128 MB
Altera Stratix EP1S30-7
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The TS-6U cPCI A80 is an advanced, CompactPCI-based FPGA processor solution targeted at military & commercial high performance computing applications.

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The TS-6U cPCI A80 is an advanced, CompactPCI-based FPGA processor solution targeted at military & commercial high performance computing applications.

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Looking for help with TS-CPCI-8001
The TS-6U cPCI A80 is an advanced, CompactPCI-based FPGA processor solution targeted at military & commercial high performance computing applications.