Restricted Production Phase

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VME-1553 Interface for VMEbus
January 2010
1 to 4 channel MIL-STD-1553 Interface
January 2010
1 or 2 Channels of MIL-STD-1553 at 10 MHz with RS-485
January 2010
4 channel interface for PC104
June 2009
ARINC 429 Interface for PC/AT
June 2009
The AFDX-E1000 Series is an intelligent and flexible air- or conduction-cooled AFDX End System with a single or dual channel
October 2008
1 or 2 channels for ISA
June 2007
Single function for ISA backplane
June 2007
Up to 16 channels for ISA bus
June 2007
1 channel for PC104
May 2007