
High-Speed Fiber-Optic Reflective Memory with Interrupts

This product entered a Restricted Production Phase (RPP) on April 9, 2009

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PCI-5588 Reflective Memory - interface allows data to be shared between up to 256 independent systems (nodes) at rates up to 29.5 Mbyte/s. Each Reflective Memory board may be configured with 256 Kbyte to 16 Mbyte of on-board SDRAM. The local SDRAM provides fast Read access times to stored data. Writes are stored in local SDRAM and broadcast over a high-speed fiber-optic data path to other Reflective Memory nodes. The transfer of data between nodes is software transparent, so no I/O overhead is required. Transmit and Receive FIFOs buffer data during peak data rates to optimize CPU and bus performance to maintain high data throughput.

  • Any node on the network can generate an interrupt in any other node on the network or in all network nodes with a single command
  • Data transferred at 29.5 Mbyte/s without redundant transfer
  • Data transferred at 14.8 Mbyte/s with redundant transfer
  • High-speed, easy-to-use fiber-optic network (1.2 Gbaud serially)
  • Data written to memory in one node is also written to memory in all nodes on the network
  • Up to 256 nodes
  • Connection with multimode fiber up to 1,000 ft; single-mode fiber up to 10 km or twinax cable up to 30 m


Form Factor
Memory Capacity
Up to 16 MB

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High-Speed Fiber-Optic Reflective Memory with Interrupts
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