Rugged, reliable form factor
Continuing the long and reliable service expected from the CompactPCI, PICMG 2.16-compliant form factor, the CR12 CPCI single board computer (SBC) provides rugged, high performance computing in demanding applications such as radar processing and flight control, as well as in general purpose industrial and commercial system-level applications.
Flexible configuration
Intel’s Core i7 processing technology offers integrated graphics and memory controller plus dual core processing all in one device. With the inclusion of two XMC expansion sites, the CR12 provides customers with access to a broad range of options for I/O, communications and other capabilities in a true single-slot solution. Designed to meet the requirements of a wide range of applications from industrial through to fully rugged defense and aerospace programs, the CR12 offers extended temperature capability and a range of air- and conduction cooled build levels for optimum rugged computing.



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