In order to initially configure a GE Fanuc (RAMix) Ethernet Switch, the operator must access the system console through the RS-232 serial console port. In order to do this, the operator must have the following
1. A "dumb" alphanumeric terminal such as a DEC VT-100, or a suitable emulation program such as HyperTerminal or Minicom. The terminal must be set for 9600bps, eight bit, no parity, one stop bit, and no flow control.
9600 8-n-1 no flow
2. RS-232 cable, detailed below.
The RS-232 cable requires a DB9 connector on the terminal end and a RJ45 connector on switch end. The cable only uses three wires, so if desired a RJ11 connector can be used in place of the RJ45 connector.
The cable's pin-out is
Receive Data (RD) DB9-2 to RJ45-5 (or RJ11-3)
Transmit Data (TD) DB9-3 to RJ45-4 (or RJ11-2)
Signal Ground (SGND) DB9-5 to RJ45-3 (or RJ11-1)
Typically, most terminal emulators are PC-based and will require a female DB9 connector on the cable. Verify the specific installation to be certain.