There are well over 100,000 anti-ship missiles in the world's inventory today, posing a serious threat to all naval vessels. Assured destruction of a large raid is the only means to ensure ship survival. The Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) Guided Missile Weapon System is the world's most modern ship self-defense weapon, and has been specifically designed to provide exceptional protection for ships of all sizes. A joint development under a NATO cooperative program between the US and German governments, RAM is a supersonic, light-weight, quick-reaction, fire-and-forget missile designed to destroy anti-ship missiles. Its autonomous dual-mode passive RF and IR guidance design, requiring no shipboard support after missile launch, provides high-firepower capability for engaging multiple threats simultaneously. The RAM system is currently the most capable system of effectively managing multiple threats and high-density raids, including aircraft and surface targets. Search for the target and IR lock-on is autonomously performed by the seeker during flight. The digital signal processing coupled with the immediate detector resolution provides an excellent IR counter-measure capability. We support RAM with an adapted COTS single board computer configured to accept our PMC-based MIL-STD-1553B link or third party Fiber-Optic mezzanine solution. The assembly provides the communications between the Fire Control System and the missile Launcher, where the fiber-optic link is used in the hostile above-deck environment. Our integration and qualification experience at the sub-system level enabled Raytheon to install the configured assembly into the launcher system with confidence and success. For more information concerning this program: