October 2010: Embedded Insider
OCTOBER 2010 |
Keeler, Mil/Aero Director of Business Development at GE Intelligent Platforms, discusses why AdvancedTCA is a natural fit for a whole range of military applications.
Q: |
Is AdvancedTCA really finding its way into military applications? And if so, why? |
A: |
The military relies on communication. Today, that means advanced networks which include everything from tactical radios to live HD video satellite links. And the future of military communication is going to be even more heavily “network-centric.” AdvancedTCA was designed from the ground up for... |
Today’s military relies on communications and is steadily becoming heavily network-centric. Originally designed for the telecom industry, AdvancedTCA is a proven platform that meets the crucial requirements for military core network applications in benign behind the front line environments. RASM (Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, Manageability) is just one such requirement; ATCA offers a minimum of 99.999% uptime availability, redundancy, field serviceability and robust platform management capabilities. In this interview, Roy
The WANic 6354, based on Cavium Networks’ new OCTEON II CN6335-AAP Application Acceleration processor with 6 cores at 1.1GHz, is ideal for high-volume IP communication networks. This packet processor can be configured to enable a wide variety of applications such as demanding wire-speed communications for secure IP access, network encryption, network monitoring and DPI.
Designed to meet requirements of a wide range of applications from industrial through fully rugged Defense and Aerospace programs, the ACR301 combines a choice of four low power Atom E6 series processors up to 1.6 GHz, wide range of I/O options (CR4 IO compatible), PMC on-board expansion slot, extended temperature capability, and a range of air and conduction cooled build levels.
6U CUDA Starter Kit shortens time to solution for advanced GPGPU platforms by delivering a flexible, OpenVPX development system complete with all the processor cards, I/O modules and software required to create and demonstrate a deployable platform. GE's OpenVPX GPGPU solutions are ideal for applications that require increased performance in size, weight and power (SWaP) constrained deployed platforms.
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A modular design usually saves you time, money and regrets. GE offers a broad selection of xTCA products, including ATCA blades and AdvancedMCs, to help you rapidly deploy xTCA systems, and enjoy the benefits of an open modular system design.
Many applications using xTCA form factors can benefit from utilizing the native PCIe interconnect. This paper discusses PCIe technical features and, most
importantly, applications using ATCA and MicroTCA form factors that can benefit from using the native PCIe interconnect. |
COM Express technology now can be deployed into rugged applications previously thought impossible.
This paper discusses the challenges of designing a
COM Express module, specifically the GE Intelligent
Platforms bCOM2-L1100, for deployment in harsh environments of temperature extremes, shock and vibration. |
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Wayne McGee
Commercial Product Mgmt.
GE Intelligent Platforms
Presentation @ 2:40 PM
"Rugged COM Express for Harsh Environments"
Round Table @ 3:20 PM
"Future of COM Express" |
November 10-11, 2010
Booth #309
Santa Clara Convention Center
Santa Clara, California
Register Now! (Special Pricing Code: CCPU)
November 11, 2010 |
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Jeff Marden
Sr. Architect & Technologist
GE Intelligent Platforms
Panel Session 201 @ 8:30 AM
"AdvancedTCA and 40Gb Ethernet: A Perspective"
Panel Session 204 @ 2:00 PM
"Top Ten Things You Need to Know About AdvancedTCA and MicroTCA" |