Join Jamie Farmer, Managing Director of the Applied Image Processing Group, at SPIE 2010 as he highlights the ADEPT5000's technology that is used in advanced surveillance and weapon sighting systems to automatically detect and track mobile targets in real-time. The ADEPT5000 is GE's latest Video Tracker member, a new generation multi-target video tracker that greatly extends tracking performance in a size weight and power optimized package.
GPGPU capabilities are now ready for deployment in harsh Mil/Aero applications such as radar, producing huge increases in performance. For example, a mobile radar system that needed to process 6-8 frames per second could only run at 5 mph while achieving this objective. When converted to GPGPU technology, the platform was able to run at 50 mph.
Join Sebastien Bossut, Avionics Software Engineer, as he walks through highlights of GE Intelligent Platforms' BusTools-1553 v.7. BT-1553 is an integrated, Microsoft Windows-based, application solution for MIL-STD-1553 test, analysis and simulation. BT-1553 is compatible with both single-function and multi-function boards, using an intuitive GUI interface designed for inter-activity. You can quickly monitor and analyze bus traffic, create and modify messages while running, and display multiple real-time engineering unit values and user-formatted graphs.