How do I install an ARINC board with a 1553 board into the same Windows system?

Instructions on installing an ARINC board (any CEI-x20 supported) and 1553 board in your Windows system:

Note: Prior to installation, remove all Condor cards and software from the machine.

Step 1: Installing the ARINC Board

  1. Install the driver software for the ARINC board (CEI-x20 Software).
  2. Once you have installed the CEI-x20 SW, make sure to set the ARINC board as Device 0.
  3. Shutdown the system.
  4. Insert the board into the system.
  5. Turn the system back on; it should recognize the ARINC board depending on your OS. If your board was not detected, use the ADD/NEW HARDWARE Wizard.
  6. Run the wrap test by clicking Start then selecting Programs then CEI-x20-SW. (If the ARINC board was installed correctly, it should pass the wrap or test configuration.)
  7. Install the BusTools/ARINC software.

Step 2: Installing the 1553 Board
Note: This step should be performed only after completing the ARINC installation passing the wrap or test configuration.

  1. Install the driver software for the 1553 board (BUSTOOLS/1553-API SW).
  2. Once you have installed the BUSTOOLS/1553-API, be sure to set the 1553 board as Device 1.
  3. Shutdown the system.
  4. Insert the board into the system.
  5. Turn the system back on; it should recognize the 1553 board depending on your OS. If your board was not detected, use the ADD/NEW HARDWARE Wizard.
  6. Run the Test Config program by clicking Start then selecting Programs then BUSTOOLS/1553-API. Enter No for hardware interrupts and enter board number 1 to execute the test. (If the 1553 board was installed and set to device 1, it should pass the Test Config.)

If you have additional questions regarding this issue, contact Condor Engineering Technical Support at