Looking for the Best

14 September 2016
Career Fair

Historically, Abaco’s engineering team in Huntsville had a strong relationship with the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH). We realized, though, that we’d let it lapse. That would have been bad enough at any time, but at a time when our company is growing at breakneck speed—we were ~600 people when we started out at the end of last year, and now we’re more than 800, with plans to continue to grow—it was unforgivable. The fact is that UAH has always represented a wonderful pool of talented engineers—and, right now, we’re hungry for talented engineers.

Following on from a successful R&D program we undertook with the university, we began to see how both UAH and Abaco could benefit from expanding our relationship—so we set about making it happen. We now sponsor the university; we host resume workshops; we partner with UAH’s career services; and now, we’ve just taken part in the career fair.

The career fair was truly exciting. We had a stand-out booth which really helped tell our story about what we do and who we do it for. And: there were thousands of students in attendance—and all of the ones we met were enthusiastic and looking for a new challenge. They really responded positively when we told them about what we’re doing and what we’re planning to do, and the opportunities that our growth is providing for people who really want to make a difference, who feel like they’re contributing and who know that they’re valued.  

Looking forward

Because it was a college event, we were focused on the opportunities we could provide for co-op students and interns (although, of course, at this kind of event, you never know who you might meet…). We ended up meeting countless really well qualified candidates, and we’re looking forward to many of them joining us over the coming months.

The day was hard work—if anything can be called hard work when you’re really enjoying what you’re doing. That was certainly true for me, Roland, Brian and Luke, who were also on hand and whose support was invaluable. All of us share a passion for helping to grow the next generation of engineers.

If you missed us at the UAH career fair—or if you’re just interested to find out how Abaco can help you be the best you can be through our co-op/intern program, please just head over to our careers page for more information. We want to grow new talent and hope you want to grow with us.