SOSA-Aligned HPC and Graphics/Video Processor with NVIDIA Ampere 4500


The SOSA-aligned GRA116S high-performance compute engine and graphics/video processing card is based on the NVIDIA® Ampere™ 4500 GPGPU. According to the manufacturer, the A4500 offers latest generation RT, tensor and CUDA cores, as well as PCIe Gen 4 and NVIDIA video codecs.

The PCIe Gen 4 connections mean much faster data transfer when compared to previous generations, reaching up to 16GT/s.

The A4500 GPGPU takes full advantage of the NVIDIA GPUDirect™ RDMA to minimize latency for real-time video and data streaming. It also delivers real-time performance for encoding applications with dedicated H.265 and H.264 encode and decode engines.

Do more with more

The combination of exceptional performance in GPGPU computing, AI inferencing, deep learning, sensor processing, and data analytics coupled with an optional flexible graphics / video I/O configuration makes the GRA116S ideal for ISR, EW, DSP, OE/IR, aerospace, industrial and data science applications.

Software support

Windows and Linux drivers are provided for x86 based platforms. The GRA116S also supports the NVIDIA software stack for the A4500 GPU including the CUDA, Open CL, Open GL, H.264/H.265 etc. and Abaco’s AXIS Software Toolkit AXIS ImageFlex to ease and accelerate image processing application development.




Chip Set:
NVIDIA Quadro Ampere A4500 GPU
Conformal Coating
Air, Conduction
Extended Temperature Range
From -40° to +75°
Form Factor
Temp Range
-40°C to 71°C at the base plate

Block Diagram

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SOSA-Aligned HPC and Graphics/Video Processor with NVIDIA Ampere 4500
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SOSA-Aligned HPC and Graphics/Video Processor with NVIDIA Ampere 4500
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